Performance Accommodations

Add a performance's accommodation information to your festival.

About This Article

Accommodations help both parties stay in the loop about the times and places where the artist will stay for any period of time.

This article will help you set up the artist's accommodation information within their performance. You may want to set up some Rooms and Places in the settings for our accommodations to utilize. Check out this guide for more info on setting that up.


  1. Locating a Performance's Accommodations
  2. Creating an Accommodation
    1. Adding Rooms
    2. Adding Guests


Locating a Performance's Accommodations

Open a performance and click on the accommodations tab to get started.


Creating an Accommodation

Once you arrive, click Create Accommodation on the far right.


Then add some basic booking information in the slide-out panel.


The dropdown menu in the "Where" field is automatically filled with options drawn from the Accommodation Places added in the Settings. If you need help creating Accommodation Places, click here to learn more.


Adding Rooms

Below that, you can add the type of rooms booked and their quantities.


The room types are drawn from the Accommodation Rooms configured in the Settings. If you need help creating Accommodation Rooms, click here to learn more.


Adding Guests

Below Rooms, you can click Add Travel Party to automatically add all contacts marked as "Travel Party" in this performance's contacts.


You can add guests individually by clicking Add Guest(s) and selecting a Performance Contact from the list.


Please let us know below if this article helped you better understand how to Create accommodations for your performances.

All the best from Team Crescat