
Map out a booking's travel plan for your festival.

About This Article

A performance's Travels tab helps your festival track and plan a booking's trips from A to Z. You can map out their entire journey from origin, to and around your festival, and perhaps beyond.


  1. Locating a Performances Travels
  2. Local Travels
  3. Travel Plans


Locating a Performances Travels

To get started, open Performances under your festival in the sidebar, then select an existing performance from the list.


Then open the Travels tab in the selected performance.


Local Travels

You'll want to use Local Travels to plan any trips around the festival area. For example, if you need someone to drive an artist from a restaurant or hotel to the festival grounds.

To create a local travel, click Add Local Travel in the upper right.

You can then fill out some basic information about the trip and press the Create button to finalize the changes.


Travel Plans

Travel plans are useful for following along with a performance's journey via air, land, rail, and sea.

To create one, click Add Travel Plan in the upper right.


Then fill out the details you have about the trip.


Please let us know below if this article helped you understand a performance's Travels better.

All the best, from us at Team Crescat.