Event Status

Help everyone in your group follow along with an event's journey from creation to completion.

About This Article

This article assumes you are familiar with creating and editing event types. If you would like to brush up on event types, click here.


  1. What's an Event Status?
  2. Enabling Event Statuses
  3. Where to Change the Status types
  4. Customizing the Event Status Options
  5. Viewing & Updating an Event’s Status

What's an Event Status?

When we're talking about event status, we're basically talking about these numbers on the right side of an event.

These numbers indicate the current status of the event. They always start at zero and count upwards towards a final number, usually indicating event completion. The total number of statuses and what each status number means can be customized by your group admins.


Enabling Event Statuses

You can activate Event Statuses on any event type. Though it can't be set up during event type creation, once the event type exists, you can enable Event Statuses on it by editing the event type.

Not to be confused with the event category's edit button if you have any categories.

Once the edit box pops up, click Use Status Bar to turn the feature on for this event type. There is no feature to turn this on for all event types, as making large global changes can result in unforeseen consequences in any complex system.


Where to Change the Status types

If Event Status is enabled on the event type, scroll down the event type until you see the item labeled Status Bar.

This image has been altered to make the Status Bar settings closer to the top. You'll probably have to scroll down to find it on your screen.

Customizing the Event Status Options

Click edit to start making changes. The column labeled Number indicates the number that will appear on the event. The name is the label that will be used when updating the event's status. Percent decides the sequence in the progression from start to finish.

In this example, Contract Signed would appear as .


To add more status phases, type the status name in the box below and hit enter. Edit needs to be enabled for the description box to appear.


There can be 10 status phases—their percentage values can be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or 100. The newly added phase will be assigned the first available percentage value—20% in this case. In this example, Show Running should come after Ready For Show, so it needs a value higher than 70%. To update a percentage, click it and select a new number from the list that appears.

The result.


Viewing & Updating an Event’s Status

Events with an event type that has Event Statuses enabled will have a number on their right side . If you have just newly added Event Statuses to an event type and the number isn't showing up, closing the tab and opening Crescat in a new tab (or reloading without cache) ought to fix it. 

To update an event's status, click the event in your group's dashboard. Along the top, you will see the status phases. Clicking a phase will update the status number on the event.


💡Pro Tip

It's not required, but its good practice to have the same number of event status phases for all event types. If one event type has 10 phases, status number 3 would be just the beginning of the event's journy. If another event type has 3 phases, status number 3 would indicate completion. This can make it harder to tell what the event's status is at a glance.

Of course, your team will probably start to remember that the "yellow event types" have 3 phases and "the blue ones" have 10, but it's something to think about.


Let us know below if this article helped you understand how to set up and use the Event Status feature.

All the best from us at Team Crescat.