An Overview of Field Types for Forms & Metadata.

A cheat sheet for use when building forms, metadata templates, etc.

About This Article

This article will familiarize you with building forms and requests using custom fields. By the end, you should be able to use custom fields wherever they appear within Crescat.


Field Sizes

Large fields take up an entire row on their own. Medium fields only need half a row and Small uses 1/4th of the row's total width.

Rows can contain 1 Large item or up to 2 Medium items, 4 Small items, or 2 smalls and a medium.



If you add multiple medium or small fields, they will be placed next to each other in the form until they run out of space on that row. However, you can indicate that you'd like to start a new row at any point. To do so, click the pencil icon of the field that you'd like to make the last item, then click Linebrake After and click Update.


Any fields that were after that element will slide down to the next row; if there were fields already on that row, all fields that still fit will remain while everything else cascades downwards. 

Field Types

There are currently 8 different types of fields and each one can be either small, medium, or large. Let's go over the fields in this image one by one—from left to right and top to bottom.


This is just plain text without styling or formatting.

Rich Text

This field has formatting controls to help organize thoughts and draw attention to key info, like a regular text editor.


This field only accepts numbers. Most browsers will add special controls to number fields for incrementing and decrementing the number entered in the box, which is great for keeping track of the count of things.


A switch to show a positive or negative response, like yes/no, agree/disagree, etc.


Often called a drop-down box, a list allows the user to select an option from a list of alternatives.


Gives the user a simple way to select a year, month, and day.

Upload Document

Opens a file upload menu which gives the user many good options for uploading files. They may upload a file via their local files, camera, direct link (URL), Facebook, Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, Instagram, Evernote, Flickr, or OneDrive.


The user may enter up to 4 numbers. This field will automatically format the numbers in this pattern: ##:##


And that's it! If you came here from another article, then this page likely opened in a new tab and the main article is probably in the tab to the left of this one. Either way, please let us know below if this article helped you understand field types.

All the best from us at Team Crescat!