Advance Sections (submissions)

Create forms for advancing artists to fill out.

About This Article

 Create forms that will be filled out in the advance's info collection page. This article will show you how to create one and how it looks when our simple example is finished.


  1. Locating the Forms for Advance Section Submissions
  2. Creating an Advance Section for Submissions
  3. How It Looks


Locating the Forms for Advance Section Submissions

To start, open your festival's Settings and click Advance Sections (submissions) under Advances.


Creating an Advance Section for Submissions

To create a new form click Create in the upper right.


Add any relevant details and click Create when you're ready.


Now you can open it and click Edit to start adding Sections.


Now you can add different Section Types. You can try adding a few to a test advance and seeing what they do, but we will look at the Contacts type together in this article.


How It Looks


Please, let us know below if this article helped you understand how to create a new form for advancing artists.

All the best from us at Team Crescat.