
How to Use the Accreditation Page

About This Article

This article helps you familiarize yourself with creating accreditations, filtering the list, and other daily tasks. The article doesn't cover much setup but it does brush over it, which many may find sufficient.


  1. Locating the Accreditations
  2. Creating Accreditation Levels
  3. Creating Accreditations
  4. Search and Filter Accreditations

Locating the Accreditations

While accreditations can be created at various entry points for contacts and other names, the total overview of your festival's accreditations is available from the festival's sidebar.


Each performance also has its own Accreditations tab where you can view accreditations specific to that performance.


Creating Accreditation Levels

Once you arrive, you'll need some accreditation levels if you don't already have them. The settings tab at the top will get you started.


Creating Accreditations

To create a new accreditation, simply click Create from within the Accreditations tab.


You can select if the accreditation should be created for Crew or Others in the slide-out that appears. It will change how their information is entered.

For Crew lets you select a person from the list and then their level.

For Others will ask for their name and affiliation.


The optional When setting is available on both Crew and Other accreditations. It limits the duration of the accreditation for the given person and at the provided accreditation level.


Search and Filter Accreditations

As the list grows, you'll probably want to lean more on these powerful tools for locating the desired accreditations. You can either pinpoint results using the search feature, or click the Filters to only show accreditations grouped by a specific set of criteria.