Soft Access Lists & Event Requests (Primer)

Understand what they do on their own, and what they're capable of together.

Simply put

Soft Access Lists and Event Requests allow you to exchange event information with others. So who can you send Event Request forms and Soft Access Lists to? Anyone you wish! Someone in your Crescat group, another group, or even anyone outside the Crescat platform.

Soft Access Lists

Soft Access Lists is an extra module for Crescat Venue. You can use them to let anyone else view a calendar over which rooms have been booked for which events and at what time. Of course, you may hide the names of the events in your Soft Access List calendar so that only the time slots and room names are displayed.

Related Guide:

To find out how to create and use Soft Access Lists, click here.

Event Requests

Event Requests is an extra module for Crescat Event. You can use this module to create an event request form that allows others to create events for your Crescat group by filling out the form.

Related Guides:

To find out how to create and use an Event Request form, click here. To learn how to accept or decline an Event Request, click here.

Event Requests + Soft Access Lists

You might have already noticed how these two tools could be combined to create the ultimate booking tool for your venue. We did too, and we baked in a feature that does just that.

When these two modules are combined, you can create a Soft Access List where users can click a square in the calendar to book a specific room and date for their event.


Now you're ready to dive deeper into the world of event requests and soft access lists. Check out our additional resources in the knowledge base for more reading and expert tips.

Related Guide:

To find out how to combine Event Requests and Soft Access Lists, click hereNote that this guide does not go in-depth on creating Event Requests and Soft Access Lists. Its focus is mainly on combining the two.

Resources in this article


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