How to manage event requests once they are out in the wild.
About this article
This article provides guidance on how to accept and decline event request submissions and delete them. If you want to learn how to set up an event request form, please refer to this article.
This article assumes you have:
- Event Requests module for Crescat Event
- Set up an event request form and are getting responses
- Where requests are located
- Anatomy of an Event Request
- Accepting an event request
- Declining an event request
- Archived Requests
Where requests are located
To view and manage event request responses, click "Requests" in the sidebar of your group dashboard.
All event requests are listed here under the Requests tab. Select the Pending status to view unprocessed event requests. You can view and manage a pending request by clicking on one.
Anatomy of an Event Request
On the left of the Slide-out Panel are some vertical tabs. The Request tab opens by default when you click an event request.
In the Request tab, you can view, edit, accept, or decline the Event Request. To edit the Request, click the Edit action button in the top right of the slide-out.
Below the edit button is the request body which you can review, or if you're in edit mode, make changes to.
After reviewing and making any necessary edits, you have the option to accept or decline the request by clicking on the corresponding button located at the bottom.
Accepting an event request
After clicking Accept, a menu will appear where you can add an event type and a project leader to their event. Invite Requester to Event will send the requester an invite to join the event if they have a Crescat profile.
Clicking Accept Event Request creates the event and it will appear in your group dashboard's calendar.
If you'd like to invite the requester to their Crescat event without a Crescat profile, open the event from your group's dashboard and select the Members tab once you're inside.
Declining an event request
If you've decided to decline the request, a menu will open where you can explain to the requester why you've declined their event request.
Archived Requests
To view all accepted or declined by your group, click on the "Status" dropdown and select the category you'd like to view.
Let us know below if this article helped you understand how to accept and decline event requests.
All the best from us at Crescat!